

Bye bye, double chin


Kybella lets you get rid of your double chin for good.


DTC AWARDS - Best Pharma Campaign - New Brands | Most Innovative Campaign


How do you announce to the world that there is a way to get rid of your double chin without body-shaming?

Well, here’s the thing. You inherit lots of things from your family: Your grandpa’s nose. Your mom’s red hair. Your great-aunt’s sparkling sense of humor. But genetics cut both ways, and sometimes you get more than you bargained for... like a double chin.

Research shows that this inherited feature actually has little to do with how young you are, how well you eat, or how many miles you run. So, we created fun stories around a real patient’s ancestors: they tried everything too but their only option was hiding their double chins. Now, you can get rid of yours for good.


Results: Pharma is tough, but we increased search traffic by 400% and tripled website visits in the first quarter.


These contextual digital and social ads led to a fun, unique story behind each ancestor.


We produced 20+ original ancestor portraits that featured in this campaign:
